This is one cool utility. It is a today screen plugin for your phone and you can setup profiles and associate different sounds to each profile for sms, email, etc notifications, repeat the notifications, send ...
After a long week, it's nice to go home early. Last couple of days I've been waking early, going to sleep late. Now i can sleep late :)
Time to go grocery
So far so good :)
From now and then I like to play the Ape Escape, it is humorous, fun to play. Some levels can be tedious, but if you cool down a bit and come ...
After two days, adding a bus ride to my usual train ride to go to work doesn't seem too bad. I have been able to find a shortcut (kudos to my wife) to get to ...
Today, I attended to Canadian IT Pro Event, held by MS Technet and Winternals. It was very informative, plus I got the meet Windows guru Mark Russonovich in person. He talked about Process Explorer and ...
It wasn't too bad. If the weather wasn't cold and drizzling, it would be much better. It took 11 minutes of brisk walk from home to GO Bus stop. Not bad. To my eye somehow ...
For two weeks, I got the house to myself. It will be a pain to wake up very early in the morning to catch a bus, but it has its benefits. No need to worry ...
I heard over the news today. Go Transit plan involves the expansion of the Georgetown line to increase its service as well as allow the privately owned airport link called Blue 22 to run along ...
Treehouse On Demand
Adding to their Video on Demand line up, Rogers now offers Treehouse on Demand, free to their subscribers.
If you are a parent, like myself, this will come very handy, as your kid can ...
It took 2 weeks, but I finally finished Untold Legends - Brotherhood of Steel.
It is a fun RPG game, Diablo style hack'n'slash. Near the end, the quests becomes a bit repetitive, go to dungeon ...