UT Starcom 6700 Update 1
I wanted to post an update about 6700. The battery life has been very good, as good as KJam. I guess the persistent storage helps here out.
The keyboard is definitely very good. I have been using it for emails and web surfing, I even did some text editing (editing skins for Phone Alarm).
One big mistake I have done was to upgrade SBSH.net’s Pocket Weather from 1.1 to 1.21. It choked the machine to a crawl, 98% CPU usage. Thank God for Vidya Task Manager. It is a very easy to use software. Similar to Windows Task Manager, you can see which process is using the CPU, and I hit the target with it. I knew it was one of the last couple of software I installed. I thought it was Phone Alarm first, as I am using 1.30 alpha version supporting Windows Mobile 5, but I was wrong.
I haven’t gotten too much time yet to check SBSH forums to see if there is an update, but for now if you are using Pocket Weather, shy away from 1.21 version.
I also found EVDO coverage of Telus is wider in the areas I travel (compared to Bell). I travel between Whitby to Toronto everyday and almost everywhere has the coverage. With Bell, many places are still only
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