I have finished the training and sector 1 levels. Now I am in sector 2 and playing the Base. It is getting harder. It took me several hours to pass Level 12. Now I am ...
It took me several more times, but I finally beat Colossus, yippie. Now I am playing the City levels, already got to Level 3, but I have a feeling it will be getting harder very
Their Pocket Mirror product was a bestseller on Palm platform, now it is available for Windows Mobile. Too bad it is desktop based sync only and doesn't sync
It has been a while since I played a DTR game. I picked up the rookie level and finished in maybe 5-6 hrs. total time. The game looks amazing and fun to play but I ...
There is already existing loaders for UMD rips, that let's you play the game, if you have a certain UMD to boot with. For example, you can play Luminees from memory stick, if you have ...
To celebrate their new store Phatware and WebIS is offering 10% discount on everything. Use the link below and discount will be done automatically.
The first PSP trainer - Puzzle Bobble Trainer - has been released by WAB. It is very cool, as once you select Launch Game from the Trainer menu it attempts to locate EBOOT.BIN on MS0... ...
Unlike the previous ISO full dumps, there is now actually a rip of the game, where unnecessary sound, image and other files were removed (just like the game releases on PC platform). We are getting ...
This level is hard. I got 3 out of 9 stars so far. But I have been playing the other levels to build up my characters. I also got to HSG Shogun ranking. This game ...
This is cool. It took Microsoft 5 yrs. to figure out this is a must. Palm, Symbian and many other PDAs had this long time. No more dead battery and lost