This is a great massive multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG). It is free to play (, but if you pay $8.95 USD/month, you get extra XP and other goodies. Well worth the money. It ...
Last night, I was on the GO train, cramped up into a corner seat. Trying to pass the time, I installed NewsBreak on my Imate SP5. It is a perfect companion. I love the fact ...
This entry can be used in almost all latest Windows Mobile 5 Smartphones.
The installation cabs from Skype will not install on the device directly, complaining it is not compatible.
I fired up the MagicCab, a ...
First, sorry about a very late update, the things have been busy lately.
I got my Imate SP5 last Friday, it is a QVGA, Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone device, has Bluetooth, Wifi and 1.3 MP camera. ...
For a week or so, I have been playing Gun on my Xbox 360, it is a great Western game, I highly recommend it. It is kinda like GTA meets West, you can roam freely, ...
Today is my last day of vacation. I am glad the holiday season is over, but its effects will be seen for some more months to come (goodbye budget ;))
I had a chance to relax, ...
I have been playing this, since around Xmas and finally finished it on Dec. 30th night. It is a good spooky game, it gave me some chills at times. It is not very easy, but ...
Hope you get all the goodies this Xmas. Can't wait to open mine tomorrow :)
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year everyone... I am on a little vacation till Wednesday, which is nice change. We'll be ...
Penreader Pocket PC Software
They got some great software, including Merriam Webster dictionaries... Check it
Kameo was one of the first picks for my shiny new Xbox 360. It is a nice action/platformer, with a good storyline and 11 playable characters.
The story puts you as Kameo, an elf, who ...