Tricks for HTC S621 and Windows Mobile 6
These will also apply to any other similar units using the T-Mobile Dash Windows Mobile 6 ROM:
1. How to bring joggr function back:
HKCU\ControlPanel\JogBar\Settings\BottomKeyApplicationName = \\Windows\\iexplore.exe
HKCU\ControlPanel\JobBar\Settings\TopKeyApplicationName = BACK
HKCU\ControlPanel\JogBar\Settings\SwitchToAudioFunc = 0
(change apps to your needs, SwitchToAudioFunc = 0, should restore the joggr scroll functionality, don’t forget to use double backslash for directories)
2. How to remove my5 message center from startup:
Change Home Screen theme to Windows Default
Rename my5 application lnk under \windows\startup, like filename.lnkx
3. How to set the Explorer key to Internet Explorer, instead of t-zones:
Create a file named short_ie.lnk on your desktop, via Notepad.
The content will be:
Copy the short_ie.lnk to the \windows folder on the device, using ActiveSync.
4. How to disable eT9 input:
Set the following registry key
(default is 1,
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