powershell "get-printer | format-table"

Run this via cmd line… Alternatively, run it in powershell as

get-printer | format-table

Sample output looks like:

Name ComputerName Type DriverName PortName Shared Publishe
---- ------------ ---- ---------- -------- ------ --------
OneNote for Windows 10 Local Microsoft Software Pri... Microsoft.Of... False False
PDFill PDF&Image Writer Local PDFill Writer PDFillWriter... False False
OneNote (Desktop) Local Send to Microsoft OneN... nul: False False
Microsoft XPS Document Writer Local Microsoft XPS Document... PORTPROMPT: False False
Microsoft Print to PDF Local Microsoft Print To PDF PORTPROMPT: False False
Fax Local Microsoft Shared Fax D... SHRFAX: False False
Brother DCP-L5600DN series ... Local Microsoft IPP Class Dr... WSD-7d0075dc... False False

It is also possible to get details to a file

powershell "get-printer | format-table | out-file c:\temp\printers.txt”

This creates printers.txt in c:\temp