How to get Sheet to Go with Blackberry OS 4.5
If you have installed the latest 4.5 OS to your Blackberry device, you'll notice as part of Documents to Go included in the OS package, you'll get Word to Go and Slideshow to Go, but no Sheet to Go (which is for editing Excel files).
Have no fear, you can simply register your software on your device. You'll receive your registration number via email. Then browse to pages, login and you'll be able to get the latest Documents to Go package (1.02 as of this writing) and it includes Sheet to Go. One warning, the download is around 2Mb. so watch out, you might go over your plan's limit. Makes you wonder why they don't offer alx/cod download.
Posted 7/7/2008 3:00:00 AM @ 16:12:00 | Blackberry
Please send me registration number for Sheet to Go with Blackberry OS 4.5
Posted by Viktor (email) on 4/29/2009 3:00:00 AM
Latest 4.5 OS versions actually include Sheet to Go, nothing special is needed. Which device/OS version are you using?
Posted by Sems on 5/22/2009 3:00:00 AM
what you'll need to do is make sure you have registered documents to go online.
Then delete documents to go from your blackberry (and make sure to reboot the BB), and log into the dataviz section where your profile is and request an update link.
they'll email you one (use the email linked to your BB) and then update it.
Sheets to go will now be installed.
Posted by AZ on 10/30/2009 3:00:00 AM
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