Some companies still don't get it
These days more and more new Windows Mobile devices are coming out. While some come with amazing specs, some are complete disappointment.
For example Xda Atom Life by MWG (a new company formed by O2 Asia execs). The device specs were looking nice initially to my eye, see it here. The storage is a whopping 1Gb, which was cool. Then I saw the program memory, only a mere 64 Mb. I have used many devices to this date and once you start multitasking, that 64 Mb memory is gone quickly. Plus don't let it fool you, on most 64Mb. devices, you end with 20-25Mb. available memory after the boot. After using several 128Mb. devices, I can tell the difference is a lot.
I hope in 2008 we'll see better devices with more RAM and ROM, powerful CPUs and graphics cards.
Here is a pic of the unit, if you are interested:
Posted 1/3/2008 3:00:00 AM @ 11:10:00 | Smartphones/Pocket PC
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