Blackberry 8800 - Very charming device
I got mine on Wednesday. It is a nice little device, very similar to 8700 series. However, some major differences:
1. Built in GPS - Too bad most GPS software is off-board type, which means, the app will download maps as you search or go along. GSM providers prefer it as it increases your data usage. Wish someone come with an on-board solution. Micro-SD cards can support up to 2Gb nowadays, so why not.
2. As hinted on 1, it supports Micro SD cards, I got a 2 Gb one in :)
3. The 4.2 OS on the device is capable of running music and videos. Very cool. Now I can listen to my voicemail easily from the messages. The older versions can play wav/mp3 files, from web browser but from messages it wasn't supported (what an ass backwards way, kudos to BB)
4. No wifi yet, 8820 is rumored to support it, which will be released to market later this year. 8800 is sadly rushed to market without it.
5. No camera, which I am fine by.
6. Bluetooth Stereo Audio, nice to have feature, no need to carry an additional MP3 player with you anymore, especially if you already have stereo BT headset. Wonder what it will do to battery though.
7. Keyboard is smaller than 8700, so far no major issues, but still feels weird.
8. Device is very smooth/shiny, attracts grease a lot. Time for a screen protector :)
9. Slightly thinner, narrower, but taller.
10. PTT is supported, but didn't try it yet.
11. The ones from Cingular can be unlocked remotely, and very easily.
12. Similar to Pearl, click wheel is gone and replaced by BB Menu Button and trackball. Takes time to get used to, but finally I can use the device with my left hand (hurray for us lefties ;))
This is my thoughts so far, I'll post updates.
Posted 3/3/2007 3:00:00 AM @ 00:16:00 | Sems
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