Google Mobile Maps on Treo 700wx / 750v
There is a java midlet version of Google Maps, however there is no Java Virtual Machine installed on the Treo 700WX or 750V.
So, first step is to grab a copy of the JVM. IBM has a free version and I found the cab file for it at:
This version works nicely and the Google Maps with this version supports satellite view as well. I tried downloading the latest JVM from IBM and it did not work with satellite view (on a side note, the midlet tries to load a grayscale jpg image on startup to see if it is supported, and somehow some JVM versions, including the latest from IBM and Taosoft doesn't support it).
Once JVM is installed, run it, click install and enter:
as the URL to install. Voila, now you have a copy of Google Maps on the go. Watch out for data usage though :)
Posted 11/16/2006 3:00:00 AM @ 15:46:00 | Smartphones/Pocket PC
I saw your post and I was very excited to install google map on my 700wx. I installed the JVM, but the URL to install the google map is not valid anymore. do you know how I can get the new link?
Posted by StevenS (email) on 12/31/2006 3:00:00 AM
You can always browse to from your device.
Current link is:
Posted by Sems on 1/1/2007 3:00:00 AM
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