Sony Mylo - First Firmware Upgrade
Just after posting my Mylo review, I checked the website and saw the first firmware upgrade is posted. The update release notes say on the site:
This utility updates the system to version 1.100 to improve and enhance mylo Personal Communicator features. Improvements include:
* Security vulnerability countermeasures
* System stability enhancements
* Internet applications interoperability improvements
My guess is since people started to tinker with Qtopia and the OS to run with home brew software (similar to PSP scenario), Sony started to release patches. I have a deja vu :)
You can get the update at Sony Support Pages
According to post on, the firmware closes the FTP port 4242, used by people to modify the system to run their code. So BEWARE, if you are planning to use such code, you may want to skip this update.
Posted 10/12/2006 3:00:00 AM @ 13:37:00 | Sems
what exactly are all of the functions of the update does anyone know? email me at thahigh4400@hotmail and lemme know ok?! thanks!
Posted by travis (email) on 10/20/2006 3:00:00 AM
Never did an update on it, but the info is available at
Posted by Sems on 1/28/2008 3:00:00 AM
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