Telus UTStarcom 6700 AKU Upgrade is released
After sitting on it for months, Telus has released the AKU2 upgrade for their UTStarcom 6700.
The release is available from:
UTStarcom 6700 Upgrade
Keep in mind, this is designed for devices from Telus, do NOT install it on a Bell or other provider's device, as you may wreck it, if you don't know what you are doing.
I upgraded my device last night, it was very smooth, took around 15 minutes. Now the device is up to date, with Direct Push, and other features supported.
Even though I had a 6700 from Bell with AKU2 upgrade, I prefer using Telus, as their coverage is far better in east GTA. And with this upgrade, I think I am going back using it. E61 is nice, but I miss Windows Mobile, but that is another post :)
Posted 6/13/2006 3:00:00 AM @ 08:48:00 | Smartphones/Pocket PC
When upgrading some 6700's your EDVO service will stop working after the upgrade and the only way to fix it is to do a handset swap with telus
Posted by C Loelke (email) on 7/20/2006 3:00:00 AM
Upgraded 2 units without any problems. Have you tried to reprogram the unit? EVDO issue is usually related to MSID not being programmed properly (it should be set as your 10 digit phone number). You will need the unlock code for your device to program it, which Telus support could have provided.
Posted by Sens on 7/22/2006 3:00:00 AM
I am now on my second phone that has this problem and I have the unlock code. I checked the MSID and it's set to my full 10 digit phone number.
Posted by c loelke (email) on 7/23/2006 3:00:00 AM
What's the exact error message you are receiving? Have you checked your other options, such as IMSI_11_12 (it should be set to 65535).
Posted by Sems on 7/24/2006 3:00:00 AM
I am not getting an error message, The phone only uses 1X and will not display/use the EV Service
Posted by c loelke (email) on 7/26/2006 3:00:00 AM
Hmmm, that's weird... The most the time I had issues with MSID or similar, I'd have voice connectivity, but when I tried Internet, it'd give me Error 37, if I recall correctly.
Are you sure it is not just a cosmetic issue? Have you tried speed tests? I am assuming even after a hard reset issue persists?
Posted by Sems on 7/27/2006 3:00:00 AM
I recently upgraded my UTSTarcom 6700 to the new software, and since then I have had SERIOUS problems with excessive data usage on my phone. I have not changed my usage patterns one bit, and since upgrading my phone uses 250MB per month (normally it was 30). Any ideas as to what the upgrade could have screwed up!? Any help is really appreciated.
Cheers -
Posted by Dave (email) on 8/18/2006 3:00:00 AM
I installed the update, now I cannot get one of my software programs to sync correctly. Telus said I cannot uninstall the update, ut starcom said to call back on Monday. My advice for companies that run other software programs that sync independently of activ sync is DO NOT INSTALL, until you have extensively tested! And if anyone knows how to uninstall this Update...PLEASE EMAIL ME!
Thanks again Telus :(
Posted by shane (email) on 8/19/2006 3:00:00 AM
In most of the HTC phones, including 6700, ie HTC Apache, you can backup the ROM to storage card and then restore it on another machine. However, the process is tricky, as each device has its own unique header bytes and you'll need to edit the dump on the storage card. Long time ago I wrote the process for a HTC Magician, but I am not sure if it is still the same. A good place to start looking is Just curious, which software are you using? Did you check with its vendor for a fix?
Dave, I haven't heard from anyone the upgrade increasing the data usage. The only thing I can think of, if you are using Exchange Active Sync and your server supports it, the update brings direct push feature and it is turned on by default. This will download messages as they arrive. This might have increased your usage, if you have tons of emails coming in. But I still don't think it should be in 250Mb. range, unless you are downloading all your emails fully.
Posted by Sems on 8/25/2006 3:00:00 AM
HI guys,
Just curious, if I got the 6700 from another vendor (US or Bell). How can I get it to work with telus? There is a flash/upgrade from telus, but not sure if that's all it takes to switch the phone over.
Posted by Samadagha (email) on 4/2/2007 3:00:00 AM
You'll need the phone's master unlock code so that it can be reprogrammed to the new network. It is a 8 digit number.
Posted by Sems on 4/2/2007 3:00:00 AM
i'm onto my second utstarcom ppc from telus, the first month with the first device i had the following problems.
* would not sync with my pc, even after spending 10 hours on the phone with telus and utstarcom tech support
* device froze everytime i had an incomming call
* constantly tried to connect to evdo service even when the data sevices had been turned off in the com manager
* backlight turns off while in use, only way to get it to turn on is to do a reset
* would not bluetooth communicate with any device or computer (even when settings were right).
* infrared will ot work either
after a month of this telus gave me a new device stating the first one is faulty
this device is doing all the same things.
i'm so frusterated, and i know tons of people who have had no problems with the same unit.
i desperately need the unlock code so i can try and reprogram the whole device before i send it back and go back to palm.
please help!
Posted by mel (email) on 4/11/2007 3:00:00 AM
If you need to reprogram the device, you'll have to contact Telus data support and they'll assist you. They have the unlock codes.
Posted by Sems on 4/12/2007 3:00:00 AM
Does anyone have the master unlock code for the PPC 677 with Telus? My son had entered a password and now forgets what it is.
Posted by Tara (email) on 1/27/2010 3:00:00 AM
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