VOIP/SIP settings for Asterisk on Nokia E61
I use at home and at work Asterisk PBX. It is relatively easy to setup and works great. For those of you who have setup one and wondering settings on Nokia E61, here is the settings:
Profile name: Anything you want
Service profile: IETF
Default access point: Select your wifi or gprs access point
Public user name:
Use compression: No
Registration: Always on
Use security: No
Proxy server:
Proxy server address:
Realm: asterisk
User name: username
Password: password
Allow loose routing: Yes
Transport type: UDP
Port: 5060
Registrar server:
Registrar serv.addr.: sip:Asterisk
Realm: -
User name: -
Password: -
Transport type: UDP
Port: 5060
Replace your Asterisk username,password and hostname/IP in above and you are good to go.
Posted 5/31/2006 3:00:00 AM @ 10:44:00 | Symbian
I have tried everything and still cannot get it to work. the phone gives me a message, stating Internet Tel Service Not Aval
Please help!
I know the ins and out of SIP and still cannot get it to work
Posted by trey (email) on 6/6/2006 3:00:00 AM
It might be related to the setup of your Asterisk server. I'll email you to get the details.
Posted by Sems on 6/7/2006 3:00:00 AM
I have same Trey's problem it try to registered by send request for few minuites but cannot registered and show me "Internet telephone service not available"
Posted by phanom (email) on 6/13/2006 3:00:00 AM
It might be an issue related to your config on Asterisk. Can you send your E61 and Asterisk sip.conf to sems at sems dot org? Trey never replied to my email, so I don't know what exactly was his issue.
Posted by Sems on 6/13/2006 3:00:00 AM
I have the same problem, i can't make calls from my e61 , the answer is internet service tel not available (and i am registered to my asterisk) but earlier this afternoon i've made a call from my pc to the e61 and everything works ok.
i don't know if i've made changes from when it works.
anyody can help me
Posted by vivian (email) on 8/3/2006 3:00:00 AM
Vivian, are u using wifi or edge/gprs? Is asterisk showing registered? have u checked asterisk logs?
Posted by Sems on 8/3/2006 3:00:00 AM
i am using wifi and i see that with this configuration
qualify=2000 and canreinvite=yes
i can't register but my e61 is saying i am registered
and whit this configuration my asterisk says
Registered SIP '200' at port 5060 expires 3600
but i can't call from pc to e61 and e61 says service not available.
i can see in my asterisk this
Name/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Port Status
202/202 D 5060 OK (1 ms)
201/201 (Unspecified) D 0 Unmonitored
200/200 D 5060 Unmonitored
my pc is 202 and my e61 200, and e61 is theorically registered
thanks for all
Posted by vivian (email) on 8/4/2006 3:00:00 AM
On your E61, can you register any other SIP providers?
Also on your E61, shouldn't qualify be set to "yes" instead of 2000?
Is your digest realm set as "asterisk" in sip.conf?
Take a look at and
These may also give you some more clues, if you want, email me @ sems at sems dot org , we'll discuss some more
Posted by Sems on 8/8/2006 3:00:00 AM
thanks for all, finally, today i forced the realm to asterisk and i can make calls from e61 to pc, from pc to e61 and from e61 to an external phone and everything is ok.
thanks for all again
Posted by vivian (email) on 8/11/2006 3:00:00 AM
I've been trying may methods on getting Nokia E61 to work with VOIP, so I've made step by step guide on connecting your E61 with SIP and Skype here are the links:
1. e61 SIP setup with PBXES and Gizmo.
2. How to use Skype on Nokia E-Series and many other phones.
I hope this topics will be useful for you, and will save your time, as it saved mine.
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