VOIP/SIP settings for on Nokia E61
This should also work for E60/E70/N80
I use VOIP service, it is cheap, interface and feature set is great and never had any issues.
I was looking for a way to set it up on my E61, after a bit of trial, here goes the settings:
Profile: InphoneX
Service profile: IETF
Default access point: Select your wifi or gprs access point
Public user name:
Use compression: No
Registration: When Needed
Use security: No
Proxy server:
Proxy server address:
User name: your_inphonex_7_digit_account
Password: your_account_password
Allow loose routing: Yes
Transport type: UDP
Port: 5060
Registrar server:
Registrar serv.addr.:
User name: your_inphonex_7_digit_account
Password: your_account_password
Transport type: UDP
Port: 5060
Enjoy :)
Posted 5/29/2006 3:00:00 AM @ 10:31:00 | Symbian
What is the sound quality like and is there a delay? I have a cable internet connection on Charter Communication in Southern Cali. Would you use this for a business call? My hope is to use inphonex for business and hook it up to my E61. What do you think?
Posted by Mrkrman_1 on 6/2/2006 3:00:00 AM
If you use Edge to connect, the call is clear, but it is a bit half duplex, ie. you have to wait for the other party to finish, before talking.
However, if you use Wifi, with a cable internet connection like I do, you wont have any issues. I use it for business calls many times.
If you want to try their service, they offer pay-as-you-go type for a low price, try it out and depending on your experience you can go for an unlimited account.
Posted by Sems on 6/3/2006 3:00:00 AM
This setup worked for me over using T-Mobile t-zones for about 1 hour. After that, it has been back to the usual 'Registration Failed' using both t-zones and my wireless network.
Has yours continued to work?
Posted by O.T (email) on 6/26/2006 3:00:00 AM
I am tired of trying this, I keep getting registration failed
Is there any one could help by telling me how I can diagnose this
I purchased an account with inphonex because I trusted this posting here
Posted by Issam Alameh (email) on 6/30/2006 3:00:00 AM
I have tried, I think the problem is my router as if I used GPRS I can be registered and make calls,,
Any thing related to nating should be done
Any troubleshooting can be done?
Posted by Issam Alameh (email) on 6/30/2006 3:00:00 AM
I was able to make calls, here what is happening
If I use GPRS, the called number ring instantly, if I used my WIFI connection, it only rings when my nokia shows timed out,,, and sometimes, I hear the ring from the calling phone and after a minute I get a ring on the called number
I tried a sip soft client on my PC using the same WIFI connection and it worked perfect
Any suggestions?
Posted by Issam Alameh (email) on 6/30/2006 3:00:00 AM
Double check your settings on E61, you might have entered sth wrong. You should be able to register via wifi connection. There is no firewall modifications required normally. The above settings still work for me. Any chance you can try at a different wifi location?
Posted by Sems on 6/30/2006 3:00:00 AM
I also had the problem of only being able to make call's using GPRS, I sent Tech Support an e-mail there response was as follows I used the same setting as posted. (I have a SpeedTouch 510 so I can't make call's using WiFi)
I see nothing wrong with your settings.
When roaming, please understand that the connection used cannot be blocking sip
port 5060. If 5060 is blocked you will not connect to our system. Some ISPs,
including hotels do this intentionally. Some Routers such as Speedtouch block
5060 by default. Some routers have known issues with VOIP, resolved only if the
router firmware has been recently updated. (WRT54G V5 is such an example) If it
is a case where you have access to the router configuration settings, you can
try putting the device IP in the router DMZ configuration settings and test.
You can also test by setting the Outbound Proxy to
Thank you,
Technical Support Team
Posted by Landon Webster (email) on 7/5/2006 3:00:00 AM
Public user name:
Posted by brad (email) on 8/19/2006 3:00:00 AM
It works but voice quality is very bad i dont know why but i am using 512 wifi connection as it works well with other software on laptop
Posted by Monil (email) on 8/25/2006 3:00:00 AM
Get a test account or one of the free SIP accounts from other providers and see if that one is better. I didn't have any voice quality issues with inphonex but my connection is 5.5Mbit Down, 0.8Mbit Up.
Posted by Sems on 8/25/2006 3:00:00 AM
I have been using inphonex for a few months now. I found it to be the most tech friendly VoIP provider in the market. Lot's and lot's of settings/options available. The pricing is right and they let you have local numbers in lot's of countries. They also expose to you your sip credentials, unlike (Vonage, Sunrocket, etc).
I had been using a PC softphone against the inphonex servers, and was unhappy with the performance. I had already made the decision to buy a WiFi SIP phone, when I came across the E61. Once I read the reviews, I was won over...did some price shopping and proceeded to buy the most expensive electronic toy I have bought in many years. (ouch...)
Upon purchase, I made it back to my friend's house, and spent quite a few unsatisfying hours attempting my VoIP connection. As it turns out, the problem was with a couple of the fields in my SIP settings for inphonex. Once I fixed them, I proceeded to make calls.
Bear in mind that I am presently in the UK, so I have to connect across the pond to Regardless, the call quality was EXCELLENT. I have already called and received calls to/from Brazil, UK and US. All flawlessly.
Is it perfect? NO. The E61 is targeted as a business phone. I can go along with that...but could they not give us some more status/event logs... It is pretty frustrating to try to accomplish a task and have the phone just say: "operation failed". ARGH!
The binding of services to WiFi/GPRS/3G is also a bit convoluted. You can make it all work in the end, but it takes a lot of patience. The many parts of the networking stack just seem "disjointed". It is not immediately evident what the phone is doing/trying to do, or what it could not do. Smells like a "work in progress".
Regardless of configuration woes, it is a solid phone. The SIP call quality is excellent. Could it be used for Business calls? HECK YEAH. That is what I have been doing!
I hope this helps the undecided ones.
Posted by Peter Frischknecht (email) on 1/27/2007 3:00:00 AM
Thank you for all comments.
I applied these settings to my N95, and works
well with WiFi and in good quality.
But I can't use it with EGPRS/EDGE connections.
How is it possible to make with work with
Posted by Ozan (email) on 7/18/2007 3:00:00 AM
There is too much latency on EGPRS/EDGE. In addition to that, E61 does not support codecs with lower bandwidth other than AMR (it only supports uLaw and AMR anyways).
AMR support is not built into Asterisk and it is very tricky to get it to work (I did it once with a CVS release of Asterisk, it requires lots of patching).
And uLaw is 64Kbit, which may be adequate with EDGE, depending on your provider, but again the latency is the killer here.
I don't know what N95 supports, but if it is same as E61, you are out of luck. Too bad E61 does not support G729 or G723 or even GSM codecs, all are very low bandwidth codecs.
Posted by Sems on 7/18/2007 3:00:00 AM
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