UT Starcom 6700 Update 2
Couple of days ago, with users complaining problems with Pocket Weather, SBSH has released 1.22, this version seems to fix the problems with WM5. I have been using it for 2 days, several resets in between to ensure all is fine.
Also I started using Lakeridge Software's Wisbar Advance 2 again (they had problems with displaying Phone signal level dynamically in the past). I am using their latest beta and love it, I got rid of most of Pocket Plus features, as closing applications, cascading start menu and other features of WA2 is already providing them.
And finally, instead of making Pocket Weather a tab of Pocket Breeze, I put it as a separate today item, which allows me to display 4 days worth of data, instead of 3.
Posted 12/1/2005 3:00:00 AM @ 13:58:00 | Smartphones/Pocket PC
I need help to see if my Telus phone pc6700 UTStarcom could be programed to use Bell mobility? Telus and Bell use CDMA systems.
How to do the transition?
Tks for any help.
Posted by Ron (email) on 4/19/2007 3:00:00 AM
Hi Ron,
Checkout this thread,
Basically you'll need your master unlock code to be able to reprogram the device.
Posted by Sems on 4/24/2007 3:00:00 AM
I have a Telus UTStarcom PC6700 running WWM5, can I upgrade to WWM 6? I hope that with this upgrade to be able to block the SPAM text messages that I get on daily bases.
Posted by vmm (email) on 2/1/2008 3:00:00 AM
I believe,yes, take a look at
Be careful, you may brick your device though. On a side note, there is no built in mechanism in any Windows Mobile OS to block SPAM text messages. Your better option is either change your phone number or contact Telus.
Posted by Sems on 2/1/2008 3:00:00 AM
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